مبارك عليكم الشهر 🌙 كل عام وأنتم بخير أعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالأمن والإيمان وتقبل الله أعمالنا وأعمالكم

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on new technology related AED… presented by Mr Fahad and Mr Peter hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

BHSS Conducted their monthly meeting on Mental health First Aid … presented by Mr Nadeem Kamal nadeemcoo12 hosted by...

*Bahrain Health and Safety Soceity (BHSS) inviting you to attend Monthly BHSS Forum* *Instagram* :...

*سعادة وزير التنمية الاجتماعية يكرم جمعية الصحة والسلامة البحرينية* قدم سعادة السيد أسامة العلوي شهادة تقدير لجمعية...

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority in cooperation with the Bahrain Health and Safety Society organizes an...

في إطار مبادرة "من أجلكم" ضمن الخطة الوطنية "بحريننا" ، تود وزارة العمل إعلامكم بالبدء باستقبال ترشيحاتكم لتكريم...

BHSS had the privilege of being the to give Awareness Workshop on First Aid and health and Safety to Iskan Aali...

Bahrain Health and Safety Society (BHSS) in collaboration with International Association of Oil and Gas Producers...

Bahrain Health and Safety Society (BHSS) in collaboration with International Association of Oil and Gas Producers...

Bahrain Health and Safety Society (BHSS) in collaboration with International Association of Oil and Gas Producers...

Bahrain Health and Safety Society (BHSS) in collaboration with International Association of Oil and Gas Producers...

جائزة الإبداع: تقدير جهود جمعية الصحة والسلامة البحرينية في تعزيز السلامة بحضور نائب محافظ العاصمة مجموعة الروابي...