I harvested 212 bags of blood.. Aali Charitable Society is holding the eleventh Noble Prophet Campaign

The 11th Prophet’s Blood Donation Campaign collected 212 bags of blood, which was organized by the A’ali Social Charity Association yesterday morning, Saturday, in cooperation with the Central Blood Bank, the Bahrain Society for the Care of Scholarly Patients, and the A’ali Consumer Cooperative Society in Haji Ahmed Mansoor Al-Aali Hall.

The head of the Aali Social Charitable Society, Ali Al-Aali, said that sixty-six donors were rejected for various reasons, indicating that the turnout was high since the start of receiving donors after easing the procedures related to the Corona pandemic, which contributed to the influx of donors since the first hours of the opening of the campaign, noting that the working cadres The organization played its roles as it should, and contributed to the smooth movement, appreciating their efforts and those of the donors who contributed to the success of the campaign and its access to the eleventh edition.

The head of the Aali Association stated that the youngest donor was 18 years old, while the oldest donor was 66 years and nine months old, while the oldest registered person was 70 years old, pointing out that concerted civil and official efforts make Bahrain one of the developed countries in the field of blood donation in the world. Without the need to import it in all cases, thanks to the great awareness of citizens and residents who are afraid of patients, which is one of the wonderful qualities of the people of Bahrain, citizens and residents.

For his part, the head of the campaign, Secretary-General of the association, Hussein Muhammad Al-Aali, said that the preparations that preceded the campaign showed it in an appropriate manner, thanks to the cooperation of all parties and working committees, praising the partnership with the Central Blood Bank, the A’ali Consumer Cooperative Society, the A’ali Health Center, the Gulf American Hospital, and the Al-Jinan Medical Center. Al-Hilal Hospital and its affiliated medical centers, noting the support of the sponsors in financing the campaign services.

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