• Participation in improving the economic and social status of families.
  • Encouraging the spirit of solidarity and communication between members of the community.
  • Filling the financial and in-kind needs of needy families.
  • Providing financial and in-kind assistance to needy families.
  • Helping patients in need of treatment inside or outside the Kingdom.
  • Providing emergency aid in case of calamities and disasters.
  • Providing financial assistance to needy students to complete their internal or external studies.
  • Helping needy families to build and renovate homes according to the available capabilities.
  • Providing health and social care for elderly parents, in coordination with the concerned authorities, after obtaining the prior approval of the competent government agencies.
  • Work to raise awareness and family guidance in the community.
  • Participation in the restoration of mosques and repair of cemeteries.
  • Participation in various charitable works.