Al-Kawthar Association celebrates honoring 272 of its outstanding students

Under the auspices of His Excellency Sheikh Daij bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Vice-Chairman of the Supreme Committee for People with Disabilities, Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare - Orphan Care - held this morning, Saturday 9/9/2017, its sixth annual ceremony, "My Future Excellence", to honor the outstanding students, who numbered This year, 272 male and female students from different stages.

The ceremony, which was held at the Alumni Club, began with the royal anthem of the Kingdom of Bahrain, while verses from the wise remembrance of the scholar Mohammed Hubail followed.

In the speech of the ceremony, His Excellency Professor Youssef Abdul Ghaffar Abdullah, founder and former president of Kingdom University, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Regional Network for Social Responsibility, said, “The outstanding students are a precious national wealth that must be surrounded by all the elements of care and attention, in order to make their way towards a bright future, as the student today has become the focus of the educational process.” Where everyone knows that this shining lamp flowing radiantly illuminates the path of his life and the lives of others, so that, with the help of God, it will be one of the pillars of this country that is firmly rooted in stability.

  He added, "Our meeting today carries with it many meanings, the most important of which is that we and you reap the fruit of excellence that was surrounded by the necessary care and serious follow-up. In this regard, we thank every mother and father who watched over their children."

During his speech, His Excellency the Professor praised the Society's interest in science and education in line with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Plan, which included a new goal, which is to ensure quality, equitable and inclusive education for all, and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

At the end of his speech, he congratulated the outstanding students, saying, "It gives me great pleasure to stand before you today, congratulating and blessing your success and excellence. I pay tribute to your diligence and diligence to obtain the highest marks."

Addressing the students, he added, "You have taught day and night, and you have stayed up late at night, and you have not known boredom."

For her part, Amal Al-Moallem, the head of the educational committee of the association, described the honoring ceremony for outstanding students as one of the holidays of the Al-Kawthar Association, adding that it is "a great achievement of its achievements on all academic, psychological, health and social levels."

Al-Moallem affirmed that "the educational committee continues its tireless work to achieve integrated care for its children from kindergarten to the university level, based on the developmental dimensions that the association takes as a clear basis in its work, and as a continuation of its innovative approach. Opportunities for undergraduate students to continue their studies according to special criteria drawn by the association.

And she added, "The responsibility that the Al-Kawthar Association undertakes is great and heavy, and you know that it will not rise without support, nor will it stand without help, because it is a collective societal responsibility that you support," noting that "the association is in the process of implementing its most prominent project, which is the comprehensive development center, which is expected to build a comprehensive development center." That there be a tangible improvement in the level of services and activities provided by the association to its children and their families in general and to the Education Committee in particular, so I take the opportunity to extend an invitation to government agencies and private sector institutions to contribute to the success of the project.

The ceremony witnessed a performance of a singing operetta by vocalist Youssef Al-Ashiri under the title (A Story of Love) presented by a number of the association's children.

At the end of the ceremony, His Excellency Professor Youssef Abdul Ghaffar Abdullah, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Al-Kawthar Society, Professor Ahmed Al-Nuaimi, his deputy, Professor Majeed Al-Zira, and a number of members of the Society's Board of Directors honored the outstanding students.

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