“Al-Kawthar” for Social Welfare announces the opening of the door for candidacy for the tenth session

Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare announced to the members of its General Assembly the opening of the door for candidacy for membership of the Society’s Board of Directors for the tenth session, which will start its work in September of this year for a period of two years.
The association said in a statement that the opening of the door for candidacy will continue until the twenty-seventh of this month of June, and that the candidacy is in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the basic system of the association and the circulars issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
For his part, Mr. Kazem Al-Moussawi, Chairman of the Elections Committee, said that the elections will be held within the General Assembly meeting, which will be determined later, after completing the official procedures approved by the Ministry.

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