Continuous charitable efforts of the Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare

During his sponsorship of the ceremony on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding.. The Minister of Social Development:
Continuous charitable efforts of the Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare

Under the auspices of Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare organized a ceremony on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its founding, in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Society, Mr. of institutions and dignitaries.
On this occasion, the Minister of Social Development congratulated the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare, for the passage of 20 years of hard work and continuous charitable effort over these years, calling on the Society to continue providing its charitable services; This is in order to achieve the principles of community partnership, and to complement the role played by the official authorities in community development, stressing at the same time the support and encouragement of the activities of civil organizations registered under the umbrella of the Ministry of Social Development, because of their prominent role in community service, praising the efforts of the various civil society institutions that provide Tangible services and distinguished initiatives to serve all segments of society, which is a source of pride and continued support for these efforts.

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