In the educational microscope program ... ((Al-Kawthar for Social Welfare)): 20 vacant scholarships for orphans

The experience of the Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare began in June 2006. 240 children come to its center daily, distributed throughout the week. An ambition that defies circumstances and capabilities and rises on steady steps.

Dear visitors of our program; Our episode for today of your program, which is broadcast on Al-Wasat online every Monday, “Educational Microscope”, sheds light on the association and its center; their efforts, achievements and what they aspire to.

With us today is the head of the University Sponsorship Department in the association, Abdul Amir Salman, and the head of the Public Relations and Media Committee.

• Welcome...

- Hello.

• Our program looks at educational topics and files, and your association has a role in that.

- Yes, educational care is one of the priorities of the Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare, as it provides this care to orphans registered in the Al-Kawthar Center for Orphan Care. Of course, educational care stems from several issues, including the regular education of the orphan, which is solving the orphan's duties, studying with him, facilitating all matters of study for this orphan.

We also have people with special needs such as hypermobility. We have specialists in this aspect who follow up the cases of these orphans who have hypermobility.

In addition, there is a specialized device for the retarded students, as the device raises the level of this category of orphans.

We also have an entertainment program for orphans, part of which is launched by the center and the other by the Social Committee.

• What about academic support sponsored by the association?

- Of course, this program was a continuation of the educational care project, as the Department (University Support Fund) took it upon itself based on the saying “What God had to grow”, meaning that the association continues this march, the march of giving to the orphan, as the orphan after the secondary stage will not get On full care - if the expression is right - so we thought that in order to lead this orphan to the path of safety and to complete his path in educational attainment and upgrading it, through material and moral support for this project, as we provide him with all possible facilities to complete this path.

• Would you talk to us about the program in the language of numbers?

- Of course, we worked on this project in a non-administrative way - so to speak - as we had approximately 5 orphans studying at the university, but there was no academic program showing the method of work, so we sought now, through the university sponsorship fund, that the project be an academic project. .

• How much is the budget for this program?

The program, as I mentioned, sponsored five orphans. One of these orphans graduated in India, and we have registered orphans who have not yet graduated. The number of orphans registered now is not entirely clear, but approximately the newcomers are 5 orphans.

• Is this number until the year 2010?

- Yes, so far, because we have not launched the project yet, and there, God willing, there will be an inauguration ceremony for the project, during which personalities will be invited to sponsor this project.

• The newspapers informed us of the advertisement for registration in this program. Have you actually opened the door for registration for the program?

Yes, we are open for registration.

• How many applicants for this program?

- As I said, there are now almost 5 who have applied, and it is hoped that during the end of the exams there will be pressure in registering orphans.

• How many courses does the program accommodate?

- Through our initial plan, we have placed 20 orphans who will enter this year...

• Are they studying in Bahrain, or outside Bahrain?

- What is being offered is now in the universities in Bahrain, which are recognized by the Ministry of Education.

• Between males and females, of course?

Yes, between males and females.

• What about the university sponsorship project, where did this project reach?

- There is no doubt, first of all, the vision that we put forward for university or academic education, our vision that education and development are the right of orphans and their empowerment in life. This project aims to provide education and development opportunities, qualify orphans to enter the labor market, provide university and vocational guidance to orphans, alleviate the need for the orphan's family, continue the process of giving to the association, create a united and cooperative society at all levels.

• Regarding the academic support program similar to the university sponsorship project, what do you think about that?

- It is the same project... The University Support Fund seeks to obtain guarantees from the owners of white hands to the orphan, as this project deserves attention due to the goals we mentioned, and as a project, of course, it is a huge and large project that requires great efforts, and it needs a large administrative staff To follow up... The project is not easy, but God willing, the association will succeed in this project, in order to create an educated and aware generation in society.

• What about your ambition to increase the number of centers and care homes?

- Before this, the university sponsorship project or the university sponsorship fund works annually on 20 orphans, so the overlapping number will be cumulative, that is, it will increase every year to 20 or 30 orphans, and therefore its expenses will be huge and large for the association.

If we assume that we have sponsored twenty orphans this year, then this number will continue for 5 years from the first batch only, in addition to the rest of the other batches, and every year it will increase to 20 or 30, and the number will be a cumulative number and therefore it needs a larger and larger budget than the budget allocated to it.

And if we assume, for example, that one orphan costs us 1,500 dinars per year, then we multiply this amount by 20 individuals in the first year, and in the second year it will enter 20 and we multiply it by 20, and in the third year the same thing, up to 5 years, then the amount will be a very large amount, and therefore we hope that there will be Strong support from civil society, universities and institutions, in order to overcome this obstacle.

• Returning to our previous question, what about your ambition to increase the number of centers and care homes?

- Yes, a new board of directors was elected, and this concern was placed before it, that there would be pastoral centers in various regions of Bahrain, and it is now working to obtain land, and among what the council did was to go to the Jaafari Endowments Department and ask for land to be established Orphan care center, and the request is now being studied for the work of this project.

• Your ambitions are great, and the challenges facing you are necessarily greater. What are these challenges, and what are your future steps?

- When we first started with the project, we aspired to have a private school and a health center for orphans, as well as a vocational center. These are some of the aspirations that we have, and God willing, God Almighty will help us in establishing these centers and schools until the last thing you think of getting this association .

• Professor Abdul Amir; Thank you for participating in our program, we hope that your projects will find their way to light.

- And we are very grateful to you, thank you very much... And God willing, you and we will follow this approach, the approach of caring for the orphan, sound and correct care, because of its great importance in society on the level of life and on the level of the hereafter, as the Messenger (PBUH) says: “From He takes care of an orphan until he can do without him. God has made it obligatory for him through that to enter Paradise.” And there is an obligation to heaven for whoever takes care of this orphan until he can do without him… We thank you, thank you very much for the great efforts that you offer to orphans and to this dear country.

• Here, my dears, we come to the end of our episode... With you was Zainab Al-Tajer from the "Tabori Microscope" program. I will see you next week, God willing.

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