Arad Village Charity Society holds its regular general assembly 6 and 3 women enter the board of directors

Arad Charity holds its regular general assembly 6 and 3 women enter the board of directors

Arad Village Charitable Association held its general assembly via the electronic space on Monday April 19, 2021, after the legal quorum was achieved as stipulated in the association’s statute. At the meeting, the literary and financial reports were approved, and the audited account report was approved. A number of decisions and recommendations of the new board of directors, as well as the approval and adoption of the bylaws of the association.

The Board of Directors submitted his resignation, which was accepted with the discharge of liability by the General Assembly, which chose a new board of directors for the association consisting of 12 original and two reserve members, and the board of directors witnessed the renewal of half of its members through the entry of young blood and recommending 3 women for the first time in the board.

Accordingly, the new Board of Directors held its first meeting for the distribution of positions and responsibilities on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, and the results of the distribution of positions in the Board of Directors were as follows:

1- Hassan Ahmed Rashid Al-Aradi - Chairman
2- Abbas Muhammad Hassan Al-Ghannami - Vice President
3- Hassan Abdullah Al-Jabal - Secretary
4- Naji Ahmed Eid - Treasurer
5- Abdulmutallab Abdullah Al-Muftah - Deputy Financial Secretary and Chairman of the Collection Committee
6- Muhammad Abdullah Jassim Al-Aradi - Chairman of the Aid and Social Research Committee
7- Nuzha Ali Abdullah Al-Mulla - Chairman of the Health and Women's Affairs Committee
8- Khadija Abdullah Jassim Al-Aradi - Chairman of the Education Committee
9- Abdullah Muhammad Ali Al-Aradi - Chairman of the Services and Projects Committee
10- Issa Muhammad Hassan Al-Aradi - Chairman of the Membership Committee
11- Zainab Abdulmutallab Abdullah Al-Moftah - Chairman of the Technology and Social Communication Committee
12- Issa Abdul-Hussain Al-Aradi - Chairman of the Media and Public Relations Committee

The new Board of Directors called on all members and residents of Arad village for more cooperation and coordination, and expressed its aspiration to activate the committees and communicate with the various bodies concerned with charitable work in Bahrain, especially the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and donors, and extends their thanks and appreciation to them for their continued generous support for the activities of the charity.

Authorization form

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The agenda of the sixth general assembly

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Approved Members Candidates for the Board of Directors - Sixth Session

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The internal regulations

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Election report

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Financial Statements

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