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Awal Women Sositey Time line 1985 • Publishing 6 Issuing of a bulletin entitled AWAL ( from 1985 to 1993 ) • The first NGO in Bahrain to honor distinguished high school, graduates in the academic year from 1985 - 1986 and for several years thereafter. #Awal_Women_Socitey_Time_Line #awalwomensociety #bahwn #scwbh #education_bh #bahrain_manama_muharrq
Awal Women Sositey Time line 1985 • Publishing 6 Issuing of a bulletin entitled AWAL ( from 1985 to 1993 ) • The first NGO in Bahrain to honor distinguished high school, graduates in the academic year from 1985 - 1986 and for several years thereafter. #Awal_Women_Socitey_Time_Line #awalwomensociety #bahwn #scwbh #education_bh #bahrain_manama_muharrq