Humaidan reviews the activities and initiatives of the Bani Jamra Charity Association

The Minister of Labor and Social Development, Jamil Humaidan, met in his office in the ministry, Representative Fatima Abbas Qassem, and in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bani Jamra Charitable Association, Mr. Muhammad Talib Al-Ghasra, and a number of members of the association’s board of directors.

During the meeting, Al-Ghasra discussed the most prominent activities and initiatives implemented by the Bani Jamra Charity Association, especially those related to providing charitable assistance to needy families from the people of the region in cooperation with relevant government and private institutions, as well as the association's initiatives in the field of organizing events that contribute to raising the academic level. For the people of the village, in addition to reviewing the most important challenges facing the association and facilitating procedures that would enhance its charitable and social role.

On this occasion, Humaidan praised the role played by civil organizations, including the Bani Jamra Charity Association, and the activities and programs it provides in the service, social and humanitarian fields, for the good and benefit of the country and citizens, stressing in this context the importance of the role of civil organizations and their contributions in supporting the development process. He affirmed the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development for all efforts of civil society organizations, and overcoming any obstacles they face in accordance with laws and regulations.

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