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Payment Terms and Conditions
50% of the registration fee will be refunded if notice of cancellation is received in writing 14 days before commencement of the event. Cancellations after this date are non-refundable, except in force majeure circumstances, such as visa refusals. Please be informed that any form of cancellation will incur a cancellation fee of 7% + 5% VAT of the registration fee which must be covered by the participant. Upon a written notice to BSE prior to the event, the registration may be transferred to another person from the same company or organization at no extra charge.
Updated registration information will be required.
BSE reserves the right to cancel this event or to make minor alterations to the content and timing of the program or to the identity of the speakers. In the unlikely event of cancellation, delegates will be offered a full refund provided that BSE will not be held responsible for any related expense incurred by the participant or his/her employer.