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Female, 2 Years 3 months Tara is an absolute sweetheart at the shelter that radiates care and love. She is the ultimate little companion to have around and loves to play while also showering you with her joy and affection. Maria is neutered, tick treated and fully vaccinated. Would you like to adopt this sweetheart? #bahraindogsforadoption #petsbh #bahrainanimalshelter #bahrainanimalcharity
Female, 2 Years 3 months Tara is an absolute sweetheart at the shelter that radiates care and love. She is the ultimate little companion to have around and loves to play while also showering you with her joy and affection. Maria is neutered, tick treated and fully vaccinated. Would you like to adopt this sweetheart? #bahraindogsforadoption #petsbh #bahrainanimalshelter #bahrainanimalcharity