Non-Pedigree Animals:
The Cat Society of Bahrain and Pet Animals are committed to especially insure that all non-pedigree animals and their owners enjoy all our activities and services. Therefore, special classes such as mini, midi and maxi + fun classes (for dogs) and best mixed breed (for cats) are held at our shows and events for non-pedigree cats and dogs throughout the year.
Moreover, we also offer National Registration to indemnify ownership and safety of pet animals in Bahrain whether pedigree or non-pedigree.

Laws & Registration:

All the rules and regulations in this document, comply with the constitution of the Cat Society of Bahrain and Pet Animals (CSBPA), set by the Ministry of Social Affairs official document registration [No.173/2001]. All pet animals must be registered with the CSBPA at all times of the year, and abide by the general code of ethics of the CSBPA.

1. Name

This Society shall be called Cat Society of Bahrain and Pet Animals (CSBPA).

2. Objects

One of the aims of the CSBPA is to register all pet animals in the Kingdom of Bahrain, whether they are pedigree or of mixed breed, which extends to all groups of cats, dogs, and birds.

3. Members
The CBSPA shall consists if an unlimited number of members, whose names and address shall be entered in a register kept for that purpose by the Hon. Secretary, which register shall be open to inspection by members and the Ministry of Social Affairs, and at any other time by arrangement. 
a) A member must be not less than 18 years old
b) Must be resident in Kingdom of Bahrain
c) Must be of good conduct and behavior and has not been convicted for any crime affecting his honour or integrity unless he has been reinstated.
d) Must be from those concerned with animal affairs
1. Active Membership
To be granted to the member who satisfies all the membership conditions and who shall have all rights, including election, nomination and voting, and shall have all the obligation.
2. Associated Membership
Granted to age groups of less than 18 years and who fulfill all the membership requirements. This member shall enjoy all right, save for voting, nomination and election.
3. Honorary Membership
The Executive Committee shall confer honorary membership on a person who has rendered distinguished services to the Society to its objects. An honorary member is not required to pay admission or subscription fees. He is not eligible for nomination, election or voting.