Our Mission

provide an interactive platform for achieving excellence in Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Management through: • Sharing Knowledge • Exchanging Best practices • Providing Training • Facilitating Professional Certification


Maintenance and Reliability professionals from the GCC countries felt a vacuum by not having a professional society that represents them. In 2008, attempts were made by several professionals to form a chapter of an already established society. However, all those attempts were not successful as the existing maintenance and reliability professional societies were not ready to expand internationally and were not chartered to do so. Therefore, the focus was shifted to create a grass root maintenance society to represent all maintenance and reliability professionals in the Arabian Gulf Region. From there, 26 maintenance professionals from major companies in the Gulf (Saudi Aramco, SABIC, BAPCO, KOC, QP, PDO, ALBA and others) started meeting in early 2009 with an intent to establish a new maintenance society. By July 2009, the 26 founders finalized the preliminary work and submitted a request to Ministry of Social Development in the Kingdom of Bahrain to officially register the society there. By January 2010, the Gulf Society of Maintenance Professionals (GSMP) was officially registered and announced.