President of the Health Mates Society to "Gulf News": Coronavirus vaccine recipients ... Beware of infection and adhere to the precautionary measures

The Public Health Consultant, President of the Health Mates Society, Dr. Kawthar Al-Eid, has warned, through a post published on her personal Instagram account, of being lax in applying the precautionary measures after taking the emerging coronavirus (Covid 19) vaccine, confirming that they are vulnerable to infection and transmission of infection as the immune response varies between people. There is not enough immunity for the vaccine recipient to protect them from infection with the virus.


Al-Eid said that taking the vaccine may provide protection from moderate and severe infection, so the possibility of infection is possible, and a person may become infected with "Covid 19" and may be a source of transmission to others if he is infected with it.


Al-Eid urged its followers to not be complacent and to adhere to applying all health precautions and to always feel the danger of transmitting and transmitting the virus infection, as it is the way towards eliminating it, explaining that the recent numbers and the increase in the number of cases discovered during the past week warn of danger and return to the * first * box, so it is necessary Adherence to health measures, wearing masks, and social distancing, especially in the vicinity of the * large * family, and keeping as far as possible from the elderly.


In a related development, the Ministry of Health announced yesterday the registration of 397 new infections with the emerging corona virus "Covid 19", which is the highest since last October, as the index of new infections witnessed a significant decrease in light of the operation of some closed activities, while the health figures for the day before yesterday indicated that the total The existing cases are 2,801 cases, of which 2,787 are stable and 14 are under intensive health care in the hospital.