The goals of the Health Mates Society

  1. Spreading health awareness among the various groups of Bahraini society
  2. Encouraging the adoption of healthy lifestyles, both physically and psychologically
  3. Supporting the health system in the Kingdom of Bahrain
  4. Contribute to achieving the goals of the National Health Plan (2016-2025)
  5. Raising awareness of the risks and negative impacts that may affect public health.
  6. Encouraging the Bahraini community to engage in physical activity
  7. Notifying the community of the health dangers facing it and warning them
  8. Highlighting the pioneering efforts and effective initiatives of individuals and institutions working in the health field
  9. Appreciating and honoring the distinguished competencies in the field of spreading health awareness
  10. Educating young people and consolidating their knowledge on health issues related to them.


The society works to achieve these goals through:

  1. Designing and implementing health awareness programs on the ground.
  2. Organizing various types of activities related to achieving the association’s objectives
  3. Participation in health and awareness activities inside and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain
  4. Attracting doctors, consultants and concerned people in public health issues to be effective members of the association
  5. Contributing to various health events such as the month of September for breast cancer, World Diabetes Day, and others.
  6. Encouraging the population to produce creative content that contributes to enriching awareness content in the health field
  7. Launching health awareness campaigns that are complete with technical elements and related to health guidance for life with a clear vision and mission, and innovative new thinking, and to ensure that the content of the submitted work is scientifically correct.
  8. Transferring global health and medical experiences and highlighting experiences and issues of specialization and relevance to benefit from them.
  9. Strengthening the partnership with all governmental, private and civil sector institutions in the framework of achieving the objectives of the association