“Development”: Temporary licenses to raise money

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development issued 84 licenses to raise funds during the year 2017, while sources confirmed to Al-Ayyam that temporary fund-raising licenses will be granted to some associations for emergency aid, calamities and disasters, including the Buri fire incident that occurred last November.
According to the Ministry of Development, 33 licenses were granted to help poor families and help patients with treatment and needy people and charitable works to Al-Ihsan Charitable Society, Amina Charitable Society, Mufatat Al-Khair Association, Al-Hadd Charitable Association, Qalali Charitable Association, Basmat Al-Khair Association, Al-Asimah Charitable Association, and Al-Irtiqaa Association. Charitable Society, Janusan Charitable Society, Tree of Life Charitable Society, Riffa Charitable Society, Karbabad Social Charitable Society, Aali Housing Charitable Society, Shakhura Charitable Fund Society, Al Anfal Society, Bahrain Charitable Society, Muharraq Charitable Society, Islamic Education Society, Al Daih Charitable Society, Society Jidhafs Charitable Society, Manama Charitable Society, Al-Hillah Charitable Society, Al-Zallaq Charitable Society, Hamala Cultural and Social Charitable Society, Muharraq Charitable Society, and Al-Aker Charitable Society. The collection licenses for the purpose of helping families also included the Child and Mother Welfare Association to help poor and needy families, develop services and buildings for nurseries and kindergartens, in addition to qualifying and educating women by holding seminars and conferences, the Watering Association, to supply mosques with drinking water, helping needy families, and helping drought areas in countries. Islamic Affairs, participating in relief operations and raising awareness of the dangers of extravagance and contributing to rationalization, and the Dar Al-Iman Association to support the Planting Good Project and helping poor and needy families.
The licenses included the Family and Friends Association to take care of family and social affairs and seek to activate the principles of social solidarity and hold seminars and educational courses, and the Dar Al-Qur’an Association to support the “My Son, Ride with Us” project, and charitable projects and helping poor families.

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