His Highness the Prime Minister receives a message of thanks from the people of the Jidhafs area

His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the distinguished Prime Minister, may God protect and preserve him, received a message of thanks from the people of the Jidhafs region, the text of which is as follows:
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, may God protect and protect him, the distinguished Prime Minister
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you

We extend to the honorable position of Your Highness, may God protect you and take care of you, our best greetings in our name and in the name of your children from the people of Jidhafs, and all of our wishes to your Highness for continued health and wellness, so that you may be a source of pride, support and refuge for the people of this dear country.
We are pleased to extend to Your Highness our sincere thanks and appreciation for your kind guidance provided by Your Highness yesterday, Monday, to meet the needs of Jidhafs for services and facilities that meet the requirements of its people, and for assigning the Ministers of Services to follow up on what Jidhafs needs in the areas of municipal services, housing, health, education, and other services. Expressing to Your Highness our great pride in your interest in our region, and your usual keenness to meet its needs, which had the best impact on the souls of the people.
We also affirm our pride and deep pride in the deep ties that connect Jidhafs, its scholars, notables, and people with Your Highness, may God protect you, which were cemented by your historic visits to it, and your keenness to constantly communicate with its scholars and notables.
In conclusion, we renew to Your Highness our thanks and gratitude for your generous directives, confident that these directives will be a starting point towards further development and construction. We ask God Almighty to protect Your Highness and direct your steps, and to preserve the Kingdom of Bahrain as dear and generous, and to perpetuate upon it the blessing of security and safety, and to preserve Bahrain’s identity. And her spirit and the unity of her good children, He is the Hearer and the Answerer.
Please accept, Your Highness, my sincere greetings, appreciation and respect
Peace, mercy and blessings of God

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