The association was founded on 21 December 1972 under the Cooperative Societies Law (8) of 1972, and the aim of the association is to improve the social and social status of its members by following the cooperative principles.   Activities and events of the association  The Association has made many achievements and public services. The successive boards of directors have made great efforts to complete the cooperative process and put forward the development and promotion of cooperative work.   The company has expanded and distinguished its services through the following:  1 expansion of its facilities and services, including the construction of the building Gardab branch with modern specifications and currently leased to shops last opportunity.  Update the fuel station.  3 - Renting the main building on the markets of the park to return the rent amount to benefit the Assembly.  4. Search for land and buildings for investment in projects that benefit the Society.  5 Marketing of the association coupons in shops and commercial establishments in the region.  6. Allocating a budget for incentives and soft loans to employees.  7. Allocate a budget to train the employees and workers of the association.    Objectives of the Association to increase revenues  1. Increase the members of the Assembly  Building a private kindergarten  3 Building investment buildings and shops  4 new fuel station