General Assembly Meeting and Board of Directors Election

Jid Al-Haj Charity Society held a regular general assembly meeting to present reports and elect the Board of Directors for the fourth session, on Friday, February 7, 2025.

The meeting was attended by the majority of the members of the General Assembly, where the Chairman of the Association, Ali Hassan Al-Aniba, delivered a speech in which he expressed his thanks and appreciation to the attendees and the previous management, and also explained a summary of the achievements of the administration during the last session 2023-2024, followed by the Secretary-General and the Treasurer to present and discuss the literary and financial reports with the presentation of the budget for the next year.

As for the elections for the fourth session, they were conducted in a smooth manner, including 15 candidates from the members of the General Assembly, and ten individuals were elected to represent the new Board of Directors for the period 2025-2027, and the names of the members of the General Assembly were announced on the same night by the Elections Committee, and the official announcement of the elected Board of Directors will be published through the official channels of the Association after its first meeting and the determination of administrative positions.