Jid Al-Haj Charity Society seeks to achieve many goals, which are divided into several sections, the first of which is related to the financial and living standard of families, the other falls under the scope of science and education, and the third is general education.

Living and material standard of needy families:

  • Raising the standard of living for families, to ensure obtaining the basic daily needs.
  • Spreading the spirit of social solidarity, which enhances community cohesion.
  • Educating families in terms of correct guidance on how to manage expenses and avoid luxuries.
  • Assisting families in self-reliance, and training that enables them to be like one of the productive families.

Science and education:

  • Raising the scientific level of primary and preparatory students through various remedial lessons during the academic year.
  • Correct guidance for secondary level students to choose a university specialization that is commensurate with the student's tendencies as well as the needs of the Kingdom.
  • Filling the financial need for education for the various stages, especially university ones, so that the student continues his studies until obtaining the higher certificate without worry.
  • Developing students' other skills and inclinations through specialized training workshops, which help them discover other prospects for work and earning.

Culture and knowledge:

Spreading various types of culture among the people of society of all ages, whether with regard to health, the environment, family formation and marital life, and other matters related to our daily life in the short or long term.

This is done by preparing lectures, seminars and workshops, which increase the knowledge and culture of the individual.