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Bahrain Experience Society meets the Minister of Social Development.
His Excellency Mr. Osama bin Sheikh Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, received a delegation from the management of the Bahrain Experience Society, at his office in the Financial Harbour on Thursday, October 3, 2024.
The delegation included Hussein Madan, Chairman of the Board of Directors and members of the Board: Ali Sabt, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Youssef Al-Bina, Secretary, Hassan Malallah, Financial Secretary, Sayed Saleh Taqi Al-Mahfouz, Chairman of the Public Relations and Media Committee, Sayed Hamza Sharaf, Chairman of the Membership Committee, and Sayed Radhi Al-Alawi, Chairman of the Social Activities Committee.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hussain Madan, informed His Excellency the Minister that this association will be the influential voice for all retirees from the private and public sectors and an incubator for all these categories of the dear Bahraini society. Although this association is nascent as it has not been published for 4 months, the association has come a long way in completing most of the administrative matters that precede the actual work of the association, including the strategic plan and executive plans and how to achieve them.
His Excellency the Minister welcomed the Board of Directors and touched on the importance of the role played by such associations, which aim to serve the community in all its categories, and the importance of the media role of these associations in delivering information with honesty and transparency to the target group of retirees and all categories of honorable citizens.
His Excellency the Minister focused on the importance of marketing the objectives of the association in addition to marketing its achievements and striving to achieve the quality of life for retirees, and in conclusion he expressed his happiness with this meeting.
The first meeting with His Excellency the Minister comes at the beginning of the Society's implementation of its coordination program and strengthening its cooperation in order to serve and care for retirees with institutions working in this field in society and with the competent government agencies, as well as with companies, large banks and businessmen from various sectors.