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Bahraini experience, at the headquarters of the Karbabad Charitable Society, thankful.
KHEBRA Association is a civil association that was established in May this year, and the first meeting was held on June 29, 2024, half an hour after the election of 9 to the membership of the Board of Directors, by the founders, and the first board meeting resulted in the following:
Hussein Ali Madan as President
Ali Abdullah Sabt as Vice Chairman
Yousef Ali Hassan Abdullatif Al-Bina as Secretary
Hassan Abdullah Malallah as Finance Secretary
Ali Hassan Zaki Deputy Secretary of Finance
Sayed Saleh Taqi Al-Mahfouz, Chairman of the Public Relations and Media Committee
Hamza Alsayed Ali Kazem Sharaf Chairman of the Membership Committee
Sayed Reda Saeed Ibrahim Alawi
Ibrahim Habib Hussain Abdulla Administrative Member
In the second meeting, the members discussed administrative points to accelerate the activation of the role of the association, and arrange the internal house.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Abdul Hussein Madan, stressed the importance of working and starting to strive to achieve some of the objectives of the association, namely: working on the sustainability of retirement benefits, seeking to grant some privileges to retirees, organizing their efforts and seeking to contribute to helping retirees develop their savings, support their talents and scientific and intellectual abilities, support those with experience and provide them with opportunities, and exert efforts to preserve their rights and material and moral interests as well as their gains.
There are many means that the association will use to achieve these goals, in addition to coordination and cooperation between this association and the rest of the government agencies and institutions working in the field of serving retirees, such as Dar Al-Hekma Association for Retirees, and the committees working in this field of trade union federations.
"We believe in competitiveness and because our goals converge with the goals of our partner "Al-Hikma Association" and its leading role that cannot be overlooked in serving retirees, as well as other committees working in the same field, we believe that our work as a group and after coordination, will add a great dimension in the benefit and service of retirees."
"We at the Bahrain Experience Society, after its publicity and establishment, will be your influential voice, committed and loyal to the stated goals, and our hand will be extended for coordination and cooperation, and complementary to the role of all civil and national institutions working and interested in this field, as well as government and official agencies, in order to serve retirees," he said.
The Bahrain Experience Society will be representative and incubator for all categories and spectrums of society from retirees, and we hope that everyone will join it as soon as the procedures are completed and we announce this.