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Our Values

We believe that the little thing is better or not, and the best people benefit people.

Our Mission

Providing financial and in-kind assistance to needy families in proportion to the society's potential.

Our Mission

Providing financial and in-kind assistance to needy families in proportion to the society's potential.

Our Vision

We seek excellence and leadership in charitable work, and achieve social solidarity among members of society.


In 1993, some of the charitable youth of the village initiated the establishment of the Muqabah Charitable Fund and practiced their activities under a license from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs at that time under registration No. Serving poor, needy families until October 2010 AD was transferred from the name of a fund to an association called (Maqaba Charitable Society) after the previous request of the Ministry of Social Development to transfer from funds to charitable societies and it is still operating under registration No. kingdom). The association's management also prepares a financial and literary report to be submitted to the general assembly, as well as to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development for annual review. Our vision: Seeking excellence and hard work in charity. Our Mission: Financial and in-kind assistance Our Values: We believe that better or not, and the best people benefit people.

Our Goals

The association aims to achieve the following things in accordance with the principles of Islamic Sharia and the laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain for the people of the village: Providing material and in-kind assistance to needy and deserving families. Helping needy families in building and renovating homes. Helping patients from the village in need of treatment in the Kingdom of Bahrain and abroad. Providing emergency aid in case of calamities and disasters. Providing assistance to the needy in the event of marriage. Helping patients from the village in need of treatment in the Kingdom of Bahrain and abroad. Providing emergency aid in case of calamities and disasters. Providing assistance to the needy in the event of marriage. Helping needy students to continue their studies in the country and abroad. Helping the unemployed from the village to get job opportunities, if possible. Supporting mosques and repairing cemeteries according to the society's financial capabilities. Supporting social and cultural activities and other charitable activities. Accepting charity to deliver it to those who deserve it. Establishing a child happiness project. Absolute good. ► Achieving the previous goals depends on the capabilities available to the association.