
«Electronic payment» jumps the revenues of «Isa Charity Town» to double

The head of the Public Relations and Media Committee of the Isa Town Charity Association, Abdul Reda Al-Aliwat, stressed the need for civil institutions to continuously update their method of work, in parallel with the successive developments on the technical and technical level, indicating that “Isa Town Charity Association has a very positive experience in this regard, and it is represented in its transition from a system The traditional payment of the electronic payment system. He added that “follow-up on the volume of the association’s revenues reveals that it has doubled thanks to this modern system,” explaining that “the amounts collected over the course of 4 months amount to 1518 dinars, with a steady increase that started with 304 dinars in December 2012 AD to reach 700 dinars during March of the year 2013.” Regarding the beginnings of the association with this new system, he said, “We have in the association’s board of directors an openness to new ideas. Its cost and mechanisms, in addition to the technical and security matters associated with the financial flows, which won the approval of the Board of Directors and the issuance of approval to run the experiment that was applied starting from December 2012 ». Al-Alewait described the electronic payment service as worthy of praise and application, explaining that "the service opens new horizons for the process of collecting money from alms and donations ... all of this is done in a smooth, safe and easy way, and it can be classified as one of the doors of secret charity."

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