Chairman of the Committee: Mudon Abbas Hassan Al-Binbali

tasks of the Committee:

  1. Media coverage of the charity's activities
  2. Preparing reports for the activities carried out by the charitable association.
  3. Preparing event evaluation forms in coordination with other committees.
  4. Establishing an archive that includes all the activities and works of the charity.
  5. Preparing a calendar that includes a clear scheduling of all the activities of the charity.
  6. Preparing a literary and financial report at the end of each session.
  7. Participation in the design and preparation of advertisements for the association's committees.
  8. Keeping abreast of all that is new in the media arena to develop media work.
  9. Benefit from the successful experiences and accumulated experiences in the media field after communicating with the media committees inside and outside the village.
  10. Establishing a media center for the association.
  11. Follow up on the association's communication accounts.