"Sadad Social Charity" holds its general meeting and recommends its new management

The Sadad Charity Association held its regular general assembly meeting last Thursday evening (May 8, 2015) in the hall of the late Jassim bin Ashour, in which the literary and financial report was presented.

The meeting schedule included a speech by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Hussein Nima, in which he thanked everyone who supported the activities of the association, whether from within the board of directors or through the working committees or the material and moral contribution, after which the literary report was presented, discussed and approved, followed by the financial report.

After that, the president of the association presented the resignation of the current board of directors, and after that the general assembly recommended the members of the board of directors for the next session, and they are Hassan Youssef Al-Qarmazi, Hussein Yousef Nema, Salman Jassim Ashour, Ali Abdullah Neama, Ibrahim Hassan Al-Qarmazi, Ali Jassim Neama, Abdullah Hassan Al-Qarmazi, Mamdouh Rashid Ashour, Hussein Muhammad Quraish, Ali Youssef Al-Qarmazi, Mahmoud Hassan Radhi.

After that, the room was opened for discussing the financial and administrative reports for the last period, in addition to a number of topics related to the agenda, answering the inquiries and questions of the members of the General Assembly, and listening to their suggestions for developing the performance of the Board of Trustees.

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