Criteria for identifying poor households

One of the biggest challenges facing charities is the criteria for identifying poor families, which entail the disbursement of monthly and seasonal aid and assistance. The criteria are two main factors: family financial obligations such as loans, rent, various types of fees and the second factor is family income. The former differs according to the criteria that each association reviews periodically and then agrees upon before applying them to each case. The second is related to all types of monthly income of the family, depending on the documents requested by the association. The Board of Directors recently approved 75 dinars as an estimate of the per capita share of the family to meet its basic monthly needs. To illustrate the idea, we present here the example:

A family consisting of five individuals and living in the monthly rent house / 100 dinars and not related to any obligations (loans or debts) and monthly income / 550 dinars, the process is as follows:

Total Liabilities: / 100 JD
Total income: / 550 dinars
Per capita = = (total income) - (total liabilities)} عدد number of individuals = / 90 dinars
Therefore, this family is outside the monthly aid