South Korea Ambassador of Bahrain Visits the Tree of Life Social Charity Society

In the name of strengthening the Society's cooperations with Bahrain's civil societies, nn the morning of Thursday 28th February 2019 the Tree of Life Social Charity Society welcomed the South Korea Ambassador of Bahrain Mr. Ku Hyun, alongside the owner of Al Jazira Supermarkets Mr. AbdulHussein Diwani and Mr. AbdulHameed Diwani.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Society, engineer Khalil AlDailami gladly welcomed them, and informed them of the Society's activities and projects aimed at aiding and supporting orphans and depraved families, whether it be financial aids or supportive ones.
At the end of the visit, the three notable guests and their company expressed their gratitude and happiness towards the actions this charity initiaties, as it supports those in need from all over the country. The guests have provided foodstuff for the Society to distribute among its 563 orphans, 235 widows and 88 depraved families.