“Servant of Orphans” leads a campaign for a kidney transplant for a child and collects 51,000 dinars

People in my family died of kidney failure

Treatment is available in Bahrain, provided that the donation is from a relative

- Some donors abroad are poor and donate for material benefit

The head of the “Tree of Life” social charity, Khalil Al-Dailami, described the suffering of a patient with renal failure as very painful and exhausting, explaining that the campaign launched by the association four years ago to transplant the kidney of a seven-year-old boy, and the success of this campaign, simply showed the generosity of the Bahraini citizen and his appreciation for such conditions. .

Al-Dailami indicated, in his interview with Al-Bilad, that he was following the details of the kidney transplantation of the child very carefully, to ensure that it proceeded properly, adding that “the sale of organs is prohibited internationally, but people in need are forced to do it, and this campaign was the first and the last for us.”

servant of…
[9:06 AM, 12/3/2023] The Tree of Life Association: Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Khalil Al-Dailami, thanks Al-Bilad Newspaper, especially the journalist, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Naham, for hosting him in a press interview

Here's the interview

“Servant of Orphans” leads a campaign for a kidney transplant for a child and collects 51,000 dinars
People in my family died of kidney failure
Treatment is available in Bahrain, provided that the donation is from a relative
- Some donors abroad are poor and donate for material benefit
The head of the “Tree of Life” social charity, Khalil Al-Dailami, described the suffering of a patient with renal failure as very painful and exhausting, explaining that the campaign launched by the association four years ago to transplant the kidney of a seven-year-old boy, and the success of this campaign, simply demonstrated the generosity and appreciation of the Bahraini citizen for such circumstances. .
Al-Dailami indicated, in his interview with Al-Bilad, that he was following the details of the kidney transplantation of the child very carefully, to ensure that it proceeded properly, adding that “the sale of organs is prohibited internationally, but people in need are forced to do it, and this campaign was the first and the last for us.”
Orphan servant
What are the goals for which you found your association?
Next May, we will celebrate the 11th anniversary of the founding of the association, which consists of seven administrators and a number of specialized employees, social researchers, and financial affairs specialists. We also have volunteers. It is a beautiful social mix, working with each other, under the management of the CEO and the President Assembly, and I consider myself a servant of orphans and needy families.
Painful scene
The association previously launched a campaign to provide a kidney for a young child, and it was successful and many people responded to it. How would you describe this experience?
It was a beautiful experience, which we carried out as an association with humanitarian and charitable motives in the first place for a child who did not exceed the age of seven years, and he needed a kidney, for which he and his family suffered a lot, in addition to other diseases that he suffers from.
His mother resorted to us in the association, and the child was not able at that time, due to the continuous dialysis sessions, to go to school, and he was deprived of education on a daily basis.
Given his young age, his health, and the state of grief that permeated his family, the whole scene was painful and poignant. Praise be to God, we were able, through the campaign that we launched for a month, to provide him with a total value, and he traveled with his family to perform a kidney transplant abroad, and thank God they agreed and the operation was a success.
51 thousand dinars
How much was the amount collected?
Up to 51,000 dinars, with a position that reflects the morals of the honorable Bahraini people, and the child is now living in good health, thanks to God.
Ultimate accuracy
Do you encourage the establishment of such campaigns from time to time?
I was following the details of the transplantation process for the child very carefully, to ensure that it proceeded properly, and I would like to point out here that the sale of organs is prohibited internationally, but people in need are forced to do it, and this campaign was the first and the last for us.
I researched and investigated from the legal point of view, as many scholars believe that this is permissible, unlike a few of them, and the reason for rejection is that international regulations do not authorize this, and because it has turned into a profitable business for some.
Personally, I have people from my family who died of kidney failure, including my wife's uncle and others from her relatives, and I remember that her uncle, may God have mercy on him, used to perform dialysis daily, with great effort, hardship, trouble, and exhaustion, through a process that takes eight hours a day.
What is circulating among the associations now is the announcement that some need a kidney transplant, through treatment that takes place abroad, and the treatment is available in Bahrain, but on condition that the donation is by a relative and with certain conditions and specifications, which is internationally recognized here and all over the world.
Pain and soreness
Is there evidence of success stories in kidney donation?
Many of them are what was published by the program (You Are Kafo) last year, where many donated their kidneys for relatives of theirs, who were suffering from a lot of pain, pain and insomnia, and among these donations are donations to strangers, which is permissible as long as it is free of money.
We stopped
How did you see people's awareness during the donation campaign?
There is great humanity in the people of Bahrain, and I note here that I became aware of many things during this campaign, including that some donors abroad are very poor and from poor countries, and their donation is for the sake of material benefit, and what is more painful in this regard is that they only benefit a little financially. Where the greatest benefit is for intermediaries, and hospitals that have the lion's share, while the opposite is supposed to be.
When I found out about this from the escort that the association sent abroad with the family of the young child to transplant the kidney, we stopped continuing to hold such campaigns, despite our knowledge that many suffer from kidney failure.
Tissue matching
Have you experienced painful stories in this regard?
Yes, one of the doctors told me that one of the mothers was suffering from severe symptoms of kidney failure, crying, and aching around the clock, and despite the matching tissue with two of her children, and the possibility of a kidney transplant from either of them, they spoke to the doctor confidentially, and asked him To tell the mother that the tissue does not match with her.
They did this, so that they would not donate to her, who is their mother, and she is in pain, and it has been like this for five years.
It was also mentioned that the sister of our employee died due to kidney failure, a year after her kidney transplant due to complications. The kidney patient suffers, and unfortunately this suffering can continue, even after transplantation, as the matter is linked to the success of God Almighty.