The Tree of Life Association organizes the dialogue session 2

The second dialogue session of the Reading and Culture Club of the Tree of Life Social Charity Association

Yesterday, Wednesday, July 5, 2023, at eight o’clock in the evening, the dialogue session dealt with several axes that had been announced earlier, as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Khalil Al-Dailami, was able to cover three theses, which are:

1. Are the sacrifices of widows feasible?
* One of the reasons for the rarity of widows remarrying for the second time is the economic situation of the widow and the fear of robbing the financial allowances and stopping the assistance of the family and society.
* Fear of some men's greed to take advantage of her situation and live dependent on her.
* The family's discouragement of her second marriage, especially the husband's family, may reach opposition many times.
* The widow's fear of her children being taken away from her by the husband's family after her marriage.

2. The suffering of divorced women in Bahraini society.
Divorced women suffer from the reluctance of young men to marry them, even if they are younger.
* A large segment of divorced women is exposed to a bad reputation because they accuse her out of ignorance of her failure to maintain her home.
* The suffering of female commentators before their divorce, so you find some of them waiting for her divorce when she is a young woman, only to find herself, after years of procrastination in her divorce by some judges in the courts, having reached an age when she missed the marriage train for the second time.
A divorced woman fears that her children will be taken away from her after her marriage.

3. Dialogue and conviction
* How to beautify the ideas that you are trying to convince others of. It depends on the person's style, experience and intelligence in the interview. This process is called the culture of beautiful packaging.

These topics were deeply discussed and elaborated on due to the many ramifications and different opinions. The session resulted in several recommendations, including:
1. Neither a widow nor a divorced woman should give up on a second marriage, because she will end up living in loneliness and depression, especially if she has ungrateful children.
2. Society must be educated to change its view of divorced women as unfit for marriage for the second time because it is an unfair view of them and unfair to them and an unfair generalization and they can marry for a second time.