Meeting of the association’s president with the Minister of Social Development

His Excellency the Minister of Social Development Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour met in his office today Wednesday, November 15, 2023 the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Tree of Life Social Charity Association, Engineer Khalil El-Dilmy, in the presence of a number of members of the Board of Trustees, and his Excellency received a busy reception and a light welcome, through the meeting, the highlights were reviewed One of the achievements of the association is where he met his happiness by praising the efforts of the association and the meeting was influenced by his guidance and directions as well as constructive ideas that are of great benefit to the association. At the end of the meeting, he thanked the chairman of the board of directors and the other members for receiving his happiness, warmth, constant support to charitable associations and embracing it to everyone. Thanks for the efforts of his happiness, we ask Allah Almighty for his continued health and wellness.