University student support project

From the saying of the Almighty: "and cooperate in righteousness and piety" and from the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family: "The best people are the most beneficial to people" promoting community partnership and social cohesion in its best form in our beloved Bahrain has developed the idea of the Student Support Project since 2021 where this project has followed many cases benefited from Several college students to complete their studies abroad.
It is worth noting that this charity project consists of six associations that have undertaken to help students in need to complete their undergraduate studies in disciplines that they deem worthy of being academic excellence and are as follows:
1. Tree of life charitable society
2. Puri charity association
3. Al Akr Charity Society
4. Charity Property Association
5. Karana charity association
6. Shahrkan charity association
We are proud of this achievement and we wish the rest of the associations to join this project so that their students can benefit from this fruitful cooperation between the blessed charities. May Allah guide us and all of you.