The Tree of Life Association honors a woman with the Medal of Giving


The Tree of Life Charitable Social Society launched the Giving Medal, which is a medal given to donors with their money and generous giving to support the association, its assistance and its social activities. They will receive a great reward from God Almighty in this world and the hereafter, and in turn they deserve our thanks and gratitude. On this day, Monday, March 4, 2024, the first donation of the Medal of Giving was launched to a donor woman who had previously donated a generous amount as an ongoing charity in the Charity of Mercy project to build a headquarters for the association to serve the orphans, widows, and needy people registered with the association from all regions of beloved Bahrain. On this occasion, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, and the members of the Board of Directors extend their sincere thanks and gratitude to the honorable lady for her humanity, support, giving, and deserving of this medal. We wish her long life and continued health and wellness, and we ask God Almighty to write her down in the balance of her good deeds.