Tree of Life Association honors CrediMax with the Medal of Giving


A delegation from the Tree of Life Charitable Social Association, headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, members of the Board of Directors, Cyrus Kazerouni and Ali Al-Dailami, and some of the association’s employees, visited the CrediMax management headquarters today, Sunday, March 10, 2024, to present them with the Giving Medal for their donations to serve the orphans, widows, and needy people registered with the association. . This medal was received on behalf of the company by Mr. Ahmed Siyadi, CEO of the company, and Mr. Abdul Rahman Mohammed, Head of Business Support. On this occasion, the President and all members of the Board of Directors extend their sincere thanks and gratitude to the management of CrediMax Company for their humanity, support, generosity, and deserving of this medal. We wish them more community participation and donations in Various charitable fields, and we ask God Almighty to record for them in the balance of their good deeds.