The association's activities are published by THE DAILY tribune

The President of the Society, Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, and the members of the Board of Directors of the Tree of Life Charitable Social Society extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to THE DAILY tribune newspaper for contributing to publishing the effectiveness of the Society’s news newsofbahrain_ and here is the article: Charity organizations rally to help needy during Ramadan Charity organizations in the Kingdom are playing a pivotal role in assisting the needy, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan, ensuring that everyone receives the support they require. While these charities work tirelessly throughout the year, their focus intensifies during Ramadan, as they collect and distribute dry nonperishable food items to families and individuals in need. One such charity that operates yearround is the Tree of Life. Khalil Al Daylami, Chairman of the Tree of Life Charity Society, affectionately known as the 'father of orphans,' spoke to The Daily Tribune about their efforts. He stated, “Regardless of the time of year, we strive to help needy families and children. One way we offer support is by providing foodstuffs and basic goods, including meat, rice, oil, sugar, and other essential ingredients, to more than 150 families on a monthly basis.” Al Daylami further added, “In total, we assist over 350 needy families in various ways on a seasonal basis.” When asked about how they identify and prioritize the needs of orphaned children, he explained, “We regularly conduct studies and research to address the most pressing needs and run various programs designed to improve the lives of nearly 1000 orphans registered within our charity society.” This includes educational, healthcare, and entertainment programs throughout the year, including Ramadan, regardless of the children's age, ranging from public speaking and painting to sports activities and martial arts." Heartwarming story Al Daylami shared a heartwarming story about a six-year old boy from a needy family who urgently required a kidney transplant, preventing him from attending school. When Tree of Life received this critical case, they felt compelled to help. "Through the generous donations of empathetic individuals, we successfully raised BD52,000, and today, The child is 12 years old, alive, and thriving,"