The association organized a Teach Me How to Farm course for orphans

The Messenger of God - may God bless him and his family and grant them peace - said: (There is no Muslim who plants a tree or sows a seed and a bird, human or animal eats from it except that it is a charity for him) To develop the personality of the children of our members, the Tree of Life Charitable Social Society organized a course on Teach Me How to Sow on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at the association’s headquarters, under the supervision of farmer Abu Ahmed. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, and the members of the Board of Directors extend their thanks and appreciation to the able farmer Abu Ahmed for his generous initiative for the association’s orphans, which has a great impact on developing the child’s personality and developing his awareness, and also to Nomad Urban Eatery & UFC Gym Bahrain for their giving, generosity, and distributing gifts to orphans. The Association, we wish them more generous initiatives on future occasions, and may God reward them with the best reward.