The association met with Her Excellency the Minister of Tourism

One of the pillars of life through which society turns into one integrated and interconnected force that is difficult to disperse is cooperation, as societies flourish, develop and advance. Her Excellency the Minister of Tourism and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the Tourism and Exhibitions Authority, Fatima bint Jaafar Al-Sayrafi, met at her ministerial headquarters with members of the Tree of Life Association, Ms. Shafiqa Al-Moallem, Deputy Executive Director and Director of Events, and Ms. Sadika Rabie, Social Research and Financial Resources Officer, on Sunday, August 4, 2024, to discuss matters of common interest, as social responsibility is manifested in its most beautiful forms, which contributes to achieving what the association aspires to in terms of improving and developing the various services of community members, including orphans, widows and needy families. On this occasion, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Khalil Al-Dailami, and all members of the Board thank Her Excellency the Minister for the warm reception of her and her guests at her ministerial headquarters, and to her happiness, all appreciation, respect and more achievements in her career.