The association obtained the ISO 26000 certificate

With feelings filled with joy and pride to raise the name of our beloved charity high in the hearts of all its members, we are pleased to announce to all our followers on social media channels that the Tree of Life Charitable Society has achieved and passed the requirements of ISO 26000, which is an initiative of the Kooheji Charitable Foundation and nominated by the Ministry of Social Development.

It is worth noting that the society deserved this pass by assignment from the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Engineer Khalil Al-Daylami, to all employees of the Executive Authority since the inception of the society, which has been since that time and continues to work diligently and continuously with high and unparalleled professionalism and is recognized among other charitable societies and institutions of concern and common interest in serving orphans, widows, needy families and other groups in all regions of the beloved Kingdom of Bahrain.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors and all members extend their thanks and appreciation to the initiative of Al-Kooheji Foundation for undertaking this effective role among charitable societies, which enhances the capabilities of the society and pushes it forward to continue its giving and its diligent and fruitful work in light of special strategies that achieve high results and honorable degrees in institutional charitable work. He also extends his sincere thanks to every male and female employee who worked with all their effort and dedication to deserve passing all the requirements for the ISO 26000 certificate.