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Joy is one of the gates of heaven: especially for those who bring joy and happiness to children. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, said: “Indeed, in heaven there is a house called the house of joy, and none shall enter it except those who bring joy to the orphans of the believers.” The Tree of Life Charitable Social Association organized the mid-Sha’ban event for the association’s orphans on the association’s day corresponding to February 14, 2025 in an atmosphere filled with joy, communication and social solidarity with the families and relatives close to the association, as the number of attendees exceeded 500 orphans, widows and visitors. The event’s pillars varied between different foods, physical games, competitions and a diverse theater program of hymns, songs and births. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the attendees who honored us, the donors and everyone who worked and helped in implementing this more than wonderful event.