The Tree of Life Social Charitable Society organized its sixth camp for orphans on Thursday, February 1, 2024, where...

The eighth Umrah for orphans of the Tree of Life Charitable Social Society began on Monday, January 15, 2024, with 10...

The Tree of Life Social Charitable Society organized the last lecture before the time of travel for the eighth Umrah...

In a friendly visit from the Fatat Al-Rif Association, it honored Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, Chairman of the...

A lottery was made to distribute the participating teams in the Tree of Life Association Football Championship, the...

In cooperation with the Fatat Al-Rif Association, the Tree of Life Social Charitable Association organized a lecture...

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Khalil Al-Dailami, and all members of the Board of Directors extend...

The members of the Culture and Reading Club celebrated the club's 11th anniversary on Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The periodic meeting of the board members of the Tree of Life Social Charitable Association was held on the evening...

Invited by the Shay'e Laitam Group, Tree of Life Social Charity Society, to participate in the National Eid event...

On the seventh day of the Tree of Life Association Award for Scientific Excellence for Orphans, sixth session, on...

From the saying of the Almighty: "and cooperate in righteousness and piety" and from the saying of the Prophet, peace...