The President of the Tree of Life Social Charitable Society, Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, and the members of the Board...

The Tree of Life Social Charity Association organized an event for orphans affiliated with the association on Sunday,...

The Tree of Life Social Charitable Association organized a football six-a-side for the second edition on Saturday,...

The Tree of Life Social Charitable Association organized for 53 orphans and orphans from the age of 7 to 18 years to...

Participation from the Tree of Life Social Charity Association on the Sports Day with orphans, employees and...

The fifth outstanding orphans’ trip begins today, Thursday, February 3, 2022,

The Tree of Life Social Charity Association held a session on Tuesday evening, January 25, 2022, entitled...

The Tree of Life Social Charitable Society received at its headquarters in Saar this evening, Thursday, January 27,...

The Minister of Labor and Social Development, Jamil Humaidan, met in his office today, Wednesday, with the Chairman...

At the invitation of the Al Areen Palace Resort and Spa management, an entertainment trip was organized that included...

On Tuesday, November 23, 2021, the Tree of Life Social Charity Association organized a joyful party for its permanent...

At the generous invitation of Karbabad Coast Grills "Abu Hussein", the Tree of Life Social Charity Association...