The association organized an entertainment day for its orphans registered with the association, 20 children from 5 to...

Starting from Sunday, April 11, for a period of 5 days, the Tree of Life Social Charity Association distributed its...

Within the framework of the exchange of visits between the two associations, the Good Word Association represented by...

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Engineer Khalil Al-Dailami, and a member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Ali...

At the kind invitation of the owner of Tabriz Restaurant, Hajj Abbas Ashour, for a lunch for the orphans, today,...

In times of crises and emergencies, the efforts of a certain group in society stand out, and the Covid-19

One of the misconceptions is that sponsoring an orphan is limited to material interest in it only,

Tree of Life Social Charity Society lunches its Third Football Tournament .On Saturday, February 11, 2023

His Excellency Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, stressed that the Kingdom of...

‏التقى سعادة وزير العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية، السيد جميل بن محمد علي حميدان، في مكتبه، رئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية شجرة...