“We take care of more than 2,000 orphans and 888 families.”

Zahra Al-Dailami, Director of Al-Kawthar Association for Orphan Care:

“We take care of more than 2,000 orphans and 888 families.”

The Director of Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare - Orphan Care - Zahra Al-Dailami indicated in a press interview that the Society sponsors more than 2,000 orphans and 888 families from various regions of Bahrain, according to their annual statistics.
Al-Dailami added that the “Al-Kawthar Association” attaches great importance to supporting the orphan and his family on the moral and psychological levels, in addition to material support, due to the need of the orphan and his family for the emotional and guiding aspect that stopped with the orphan.
While she emphasized that the doors of the association are open for cooperation with all official and private bodies; In order to achieve its ultimate goal of providing comprehensive care for orphans.

] Tell us about the “Al-Kawthar” association?
- Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare - Orphan Care - is a civil society officially registered under the umbrella of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in the Kingdom of Bahrain since 2003, and works mainly to provide various types of care for orphans and their families who are registered in the lists of the association.
] What services does “Al-Kawthar” provide?
- The association provides comprehensive care for the orphan and his family, which includes social, educational and health care, as each type of care includes specific and distinctive activities and programs that continue throughout the year. Here we can point out that the association organizes most of its activities within the walls of the association in the Saar region, while some of the activities are held outside the association.
] What is the statistics of orphans and families that “Al-Kawthar” takes care of?
- We were able, thanks to God Almighty and the high ambition of the founders and members of the Board of Directors, to attract many orphans and their honorable families, as the number of orphans registered at the end of the first year of the association reached 250 orphans.
Today, as we are on the cusp of the third quarter of the year 2017, the association was able to take care of 2,000 orphans and 888 families, according to the annual statistics carried out by the social research department in the association, with emphasis on the continuous efforts in monitoring new cases of orphans.
] Does Al-Kawthar’s relationship with the orphan continue after he reaches the age of eighteen?
- We take into account the legal perspective in our work, as the orphan actually leaves the state of orphan as soon as he reaches the age of eighteen, with the exception of the “university sponsorship” program, which guarantees integrated support for the orphan until he completes the university stage, except that it takes the exception to providing the necessary health and psychological care aspects for these orphans who are outside this program.
] How does “Al-Kawthar” determine the extent to which families are entitled to social care?
- A special committee has been formed that includes the association’s administrators with social research specialists to study the cases of all families, whether in need or not, and its activities include field visits, as well as following up their cases on the various material and moral levels, even health and education. This committee also follows up on the extent to which these families are entitled to aid Material and health, and all of this is done after a complete study that determines the extent of these families’ entitlement to social care, and then classifies material assistance by monthly and seasonal (such as school bags, Ramadan baskets, and clothing for the two holidays).
] Does “Al-Kawthar” seek the help of qualified people to work on its programmes?
- “Al-Kawthar” has creative competencies that specialize in its social and psychological fields, as well as the administrative staff in its board of directors and the general staff. It is also taken into account to make “Al-Kawthar” a creative platform that embraces various scientific, health, educational and sports experiences and competencies in various activities and programs.
] What are the obstacles that may face the "orphan" in his life and his social environment?
- After the loss of the father / mother, the “orphan” faces psychological conditions that negatively affect his academic achievement and make him socially isolated, so he made efforts to contain these cases from the beginning, and we give the academic side to the orphan priority in solving it and the ability to overcome it.
How can the “orphan” overcome these obstacles?
- The key to the orphan overcoming these obstacles lies in the parents, especially the guardians, because they are the closest to this orphan, and their role is active in taking the right role in managing such cases, and there are many parents who are keen to communicate with us first-hand to solve these obstacles facing their children.

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