Al-Kawthar.. and the Comprehensive Care Center for Orphans

Since the Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare (orphan care) was established 19 years ago, on March 3 of the year 2003, it began to provide its various services to orphans in order to develop their abilities and skills in education, and to take care of them in health, socially, morally, psychologically and morally, and organized for them targeted programs, events and useful activities. It also organizes trips to Umrah and the visit of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Medina, and operates trips and entertainment programs for them inside and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain, and provides them with assistance in religious, educational and international seasons, such as the blessed month of Ramadan, and the two Eids “Al-Fitr and Al-Adha”, and the opening of schools, And the Arab and International Orphan Day, and annual celebrations are held for them to honor the outstanding and successful ones, to motivate and encourage them psychologically and morally to excel and excel in their studies. Charitable societies cooperating with the association in the field of orphan care. Groups of male and female students graduated from high school and university, with various specializations and educational and professional paths.
It is useful to refer to the project of university scholarships for orphans, which has achieved remarkable success, and many orphans have benefited from it, and the orphan care is borne by the age of 18, noting that the association sponsors more than 2000 orphans and more than 888 families of orphans.
Followers of the association and orphans have sufficient information that the association has invested in the capabilities and skills of orphans in all ways, means, techniques and modern technology, by involving them in a number of its activities that it evaluates for orphans. And preparing various events for the mothers of orphans, to help them on how to deal properly with their orphans. The association did not limit its work and services to one region or a specific group, but rather provides its services to all orphans of cities, villages and regions located in the four governorates of Bahrain. I convey to the honorable readers the statement of one of the prominent administrators and founders of the association in the text :
“Now the association is working with its available capabilities, striving now to empower families and orphans in all aspects of life, working on a project to employ orphans who graduated from university and secondary school, and is in the process of working on a non-profit commercial project to train and employ orphans in it (the Kawthar Media Project).” He added, "The financial support will be an important tributary for the implementation of the project, which covers all the needs of orphan families, and the association has prepared a guide for aid to organize this process."
With all the great and wonderful services provided by the association to orphans and their families, we saw it as our moral and human duty, as followers of this noble work that the association performs towards the loved ones of God and His Messenger (PBUH), to thank those in charge of it; Management, functioning committees and all the workers in its various departments, and the greatest and abundant thanks to all the sponsors of the orphans, and the supporters of the work of the association, men and women who have a prominent and pioneering role in developing and developing its work in all its humanitarian dimensions, until it became in our dear kingdom referred to as its various bids; Educational, health, moral, cultural and recreational, with pride and dignity, and it has been able to be a prominent mark in caring for orphans, and it has gained extensive experience from the Royal Charity Organization, the pioneer in caring for orphans in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The beautiful thing about the association is that its ambitions for its orphans are great and do not stop at a certain limit, because it is always renewed with the renewal of the caring culture for the orphan among the workers in the association, and this aspect was clearly distinguished by it. We say frankly and clearly, and far from flattery and exaggerations: The association’s work speaks for itself, and we know that its wishes are great and exceed all expectations. In front of all these challenges and difficulties that it faces, it is seriously considering that the orphans have a comprehensive care center, through which it can meet all the care needs of the orphan, and provide all its necessary requirements. It works with all its operational capacity, with concerted civil and official efforts, and it is certain that with its serious cooperation, the association can achieve its ambitions for orphans.
This respected class will have a great deal in various fields. She tried hard a few years ago to establish the pastoral center, and she moved steadily towards its implementation. Indeed, she rented a large land in one of the regions of Bahrain, from the Jaafari Endowment Department, but the project stalled due to the long delay in official procedures, which made her return the land to the endowments; In order not to bear more financial burdens than it had borne in the years that paid it to the endowments, and it saw that keeping the land in its possession for more years would cost it a lot of money without the expected benefit from it.. With all these difficulties, despair did not enter the hearts of the president and members of its administration, nor did They become frustrated as long as there are good souls and white, giving hands in the Kingdom of Bahrain, to facilitate its affairs officially and privately, with the help of God Almighty, and the abundant reward and wages for any official party, civil parties, businessmen, or merchants who extend a helping hand and contribute directly or indirectly to facilitating matters for the establishment and construction This great edifice is for orphans, the group recommended by our noble Messenger (PBUH) over and over again, when he said (PBUH): “I and the one who takes care of an orphan are like this in Paradise (and he pointed to the forefinger and middle)” The honorable Muhammad bin Abdullah (pbuh) clearly? Didn't the project deserve enough support to attain the lofty rank in Paradise with the Master of Creation, the Prophets, and the Messengers (PBUH)? And it is one of the best acts of worship, and one of the heaviest deeds in the balance of good deeds, and God Almighty makes it an ongoing charity for the supporters and contributors to the project, so racing in this direction is one of the best races in this world and the Hereafter.
Congratulations to every individual, group, official body, civil society, or commercial institution that contributes generously, with effort, opinion, and money, until it achieved the orphans in a record time that none of the followers thought of the aspirations and basic needs of the orphans.

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