Al-Zira: “Social Kawthar” establishes a comprehensive development center for more than 1,600 orphans

Majid Al-Zira, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Al-Kawthar Society for Social Welfare (Orphans and Widows), said, “The board of directors of the association is in the process of studying a project to establish a specialized center for the comprehensive development of orphans, with sports, educational and other facilities, with international specifications.”
Al-Zeera added, "The number of orphans currently sponsored by the association, who are officially registered in the administration's records, and whose cases have been studied, is more than 1,600, after the number was in the first year of its establishment, which sponsored approximately 100 orphans."
This came during the association's celebration of the tenth anniversary of its founding yesterday, Saturday (May 11, 2013) in the Four Seasons Hall accompanying Ain Adhari Park, where the supporters and contributors to the programs and events of sponsoring orphans, as well as the volunteers, were honored.
Al-Zeera stated that “the most important goals of the association when it was established and still are now, is comprehensive care for the orphan, except for material care, which is graciously sponsored by the Royal Charity Organization. And educational, educational, religious, recreational, sports, and social, as well as psychological and academic counseling. So that the orphans have an equal opportunity with the rest of the children to achieve the highest levels of success in his life and work.
And the Chairman of the Board of Directors added that “the association has established many programs in the past ten years, such as following up the educational attainment of children, providing remedial lessons for those who need it, establishing the spring camp and various celebrations on holiday occasions and others, in addition to honoring the outstanding students, trips to Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and sports competitions And cultural and comprehensive medical examination for orphans ».
Al-Zira stated, “The association was able several years ago to own a building in the Saar region that contains 9 halls and offices in which the association carries out its activities and comprehensive development programs for orphans. What has been accomplished would not have been possible without the divine patronage of this blessed project and the continuous donations and generous support of the faithful and charitable people of Bahrain, as well as the sincere efforts made by the volunteers from the members of the Board of Directors, members of the committees and all employees. Therefore, I extend my sincere thanks to all those who contributed with us, including sponsors, donors, employees, volunteers, and donors, in the success of this project, and in striving to build a future for the beloved orphans, in order for them to become good and productive men and women, and to be a source of pride for their families and our country, Bahrain.
The Chairman of the Board referred to the International Day of the Orphan, and commented, “The world honored orphans by defining an international day for them, and before that, God Almighty honored them, as sponsoring and caring for an orphan is one of the good deeds sanctified by all divine laws, and in particular Islam. It is considered one of the cherished human values in all societies. The association was established because of and for the orphan.
For his part, the Assistant Secretary-General for Planning and Resources Development at the Royal Charity Organization, Youssef Abdullah Al-Yaqoub, said in a speech on behalf of the Secretary-General of the Foundation, Mustafa Al-Sayed, that “the Foundation implements several projects that include financial, health, educational and social care for approximately 5 thousand orphans and 5 thousand widows. Thanks are extended to the Al-Kawthar Association, headed by Majeed Al-Zira, for their great efforts in providing care and support for Bahraini orphans and their great interest.
Al-Yacoub added, “All orphans in the Kingdom of Bahrain enjoy great care and paternal attention from the country’s monarch, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, who is considered the father of all and a model for a charitable person with his giving and interest in touching the needs of orphans, and his eagerness to ensure that everyone enjoys a decent life, setting an ideal and role model.” Good in providing care for orphans and the needy. As this was reflected in the whole of Bahraini society through charitable institutions and societies that are concerned with sponsoring orphans and providing comprehensive care, we are all in the Royal Charity Organization with these societies, and we all pour into one river and strive to achieve a common goal, which is serving the Kingdom of Bahrain, so that no one feels orphaned or in need ». .
The Assistant Secretary-General stated, “There is no doubt that everyone in Bahrain, starting from the highest levels, is all working to serve widows and orphans, and I call for working together to serve the Kingdom of Bahrain under one banner. And the orphans’ keenness to be diligent and diligent in seeking useful knowledge and useful knowledge, striving to obtain the highest marks in academic achievement, showing noble morals and adhering to the principles of the Islamic religion to raise the name of the Kingdom of Bahrain in various forums.

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