The Bahrain Cats and Millennium Society calls for the exclusion of the idea of ​​getting rid of stray dogs completely and seeks to work to contain them

The Bahrain Cats and Pets Association called for the exclusion of the idea of ​​getting rid of stray dogs once and for all, and replacing it with joint work by all parties to contain them properly in accordance with all international charters and treaties in this regard.

With regard to the issue of reducing the widespread numbers of stray dogs, the association indicated that everyone should shelter these dogs by providing a shelter designated for them in each governorate, and work to establish mechanisms and a unified system for the pet sector.

And she continued, "The system's mechanisms include by registering all pets, especially dogs, in a unified special record, in which all their information is recorded, and then it is confirmed that a microchip is placed under the skin and placed by injecting a needle, and the function of this chip is to identify the owner." animal original.

The association also stressed the necessity of establishing a joint committee between the Cats and Pets Association, the bodies concerned with animals, health committees, and a committee by the municipality and community members interested in animals, through meetings held every 3 months.

The association denied its statement to any media outlet about the number of stray dogs in Bahrain, stressing that the Kingdom of Bahrain is proactive in containing the problem of stray dogs using the correct methods followed by developed countries that take into account all aspects and various parties.
The association noted "the setting of annual fees for dog owners, the proceeds of which go to investment or to rehabilitate this category by developing rehabilitation programs and subjecting them to non-breeding operations for this category."

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