Chairwoman's Message

We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the Health Friends Society, through which we are working to provide an integrated platform to spread health awareness in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and to promote the health of individuals and society as a whole, especially after it has been proven to everyone and categorically that health is our dearest possession.


Based on the supreme goal of encouraging everyone to take care of their physical and psychological health, we all joined as volunteers in an official organizational framework, the "Health Mates" Society, to work together as one team to raise health awareness in our dear kingdom, instill healthy health behaviors among individuals and societies, and support the health aspect. And its development for everyone, and the encouragement of healthy lifestyle practices such as exercise and healthy nutrition, and changing wrong behaviors.


We believe in the "Health Mates Society" association in teamwork, and our hands are always extended to cooperate with everyone in the framework of achieving the goals that we all seek, and we are keen to encourage and cooperate with various community institutions to contribute to the service of the health field of society, and to support and encourage efforts aimed at developing and developing health awareness programs, At the same time, we are keen to highlight the efforts made by individuals and institutions in the context of promoting the health of citizens and residents,


We are keen to train and qualify volunteer members of the association and develop their communication and communication skills to be used in the process of health education for their peers, and we focus on holding training workshops via visual communication, to consolidate the basics of health education, correct misconceptions spread among community members, in addition to creating an integrated system of dissemination tools. Health awareness and interactive programs, as well as preparing a series of workshops designed by a group of specialists, and organizing events related to the fields of public health, mental health, healthy behaviors related to food, methods of transition to a healthy healthy lifestyle, life skills, technology, first aid and others.


We are also keen to strengthen the partnership and communicate with the media and benefit from their experiences in providing correct information and warning against rumors and false information, publishing news and health information such as achievements, seminars, workshops, health issues and medical experiments, and providing health statistics and data and analyzing them.


We also work on raising our children on the right healthy behavior and changing their wrong behavior and habits, especially in the case of spreading diseases within the community, and we also go towards adolescents and encourage them to adopt healthy behavioral patterns, qualify them to be ambassadors among their peers and enable them to raise awareness and education in the fields of health and nutrition, and to promote concepts related to health They have, develop their cognitive skills and upgrade them to achieve a spirit of cooperation and take responsibility towards their community and motivate them to be an example to their peers at home, school and society.


We are satisfied with the achievements we have achieved so far, but our ambition always pushes us to achieve more, with the grace of God and the support of our wise leadership, the support of officials in the health sector for us, the efforts of our volunteers, and your indispensable contribution.