
The Karbabad Social Charitable Association is one of the pioneers of voluntary social charitable work because of its donated cadres, and the goals of the association are: Helping the needy and the needy, as it works in a comprehensive manner that covers all groups of society. And for civil society organizations in Karbabad village, the association contributes to ensuring the expenses of students to study, and helping young people to marry and bear the expenses of treating patients. The association is also concerned with the female component, and the association works to enable women to advance in various fields by creating professionally qualified women, culturally and socially, by providing a set of development services for all the female component in pursuit of community service. The Society provides quality services, including helping students to improve their academic achievement in schools and universities through continuous lessons held by the Association, provided by experienced and competent teachers and teachers. The association carries out work for all the cadres of the association, its affiliates, and the people. Workshops and development courses through the establishment of cultural events and development workshops that help in honing the skills of individuals, which contributes to raising their competence and their productivity professionally and socially in an effort to serve and raise the country.


Charity specializes in charitable work and considers it a basis for the development of the individual and society, and seeks to meet the society’s urgent needs, including urgent and ongoing, by adopting projects


It is a model for leadership and excellence in social charitable work by adopting creativity and professional practices in the field of charitable and social work


Humanity - professionalism - cooperation - solidarity - development - creativity - excellence - leadership - professionalism - development and development - achievement.