Summary of the articles of association of the Karana Village Social Charity Association

Article (1) of the Articles of Association states that the Karana Village Charitable Fund Corporation (a private institution) was established in the Kingdom of Bahrain and registered in the Private Institutions Registry under No. (15/m/h/r) on August 24, 1993, in accordance with the provisions of the Associations and Clubs Law. Social, cultural and private bodies working in the field of youth and sports and private institutions promulgated by Decree-Law No. (21) of 1989, and the ministerial decisions issued for its implementation.

Article (2) of the statute stipulates the transformation of the Karana Village Charitable Fund Foundation into the Karana Village Social Charitable Association in accordance with Law No. (42) of 2009 amending some provisions of the Law of Associations, Social and Cultural Clubs, and private bodies operating in the field of youth, sports, and private institutions promulgated by Decree Law No. (21) for the year 1989, and Resolution No. (19) for the year 2010 specifying the conditions and procedures for converting private institutions into associations, and they are registered in the registry of social and cultural associations and clubs under registration No. (2/c/h).

The association's headquarters and management center are in the village of Karrana - Kingdom of Bahrain, and the scope of its charitable and social work is the official geographical boundaries of the Karrana village area
The association may not engage in politics or engage in financial speculation, nor may it be affiliated with, participate in, or join an association, body, club, or federation based outside the Kingdom of Bahrain without prior permission from the Ministry of Social Development.

The association, in accordance with the laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain and within the spatial scope of the association's work and in accordance with Article (3) of its statute, works to achieve the following objectives:
1- Participate in improving the social and economic situation of families in coordination with the relevant government agencies.
2- Encouraging the spirit of solidarity and communication between members of society, taking into account the spatial scope of the association's work in accordance with Article (3) of its statute.
3- Participation in various charitable works, subject to the approval of the concerned ministry.
4- Filling the daily material needs of poor families in need.
5- Providing financial and in-kind assistance to needy families.
6- Assisting patients in need of treatment in private hospitals in the Kingdom of Bahrain or abroad if treatment is not available inside the Kingdom, in coordination with the competent government agencies.
7- Providing emergency aid in case of calamities and disasters.
8- Providing financial assistance to students in need to continue their studies inside and outside the country, in coordination with the competent government agencies.
9- Helping needy families to build and renovate homes according to the available capabilities, in coordination with the competent government agencies.
10- Participate in the restoration of mosques and repair of cemeteries, in accordance with the regulations in force in this regard.
11- Upgrading the social level of the community members.
12 - Promoting social programs directed at all different segments of society.

The association seeks to achieve its goals within the limits of the laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain by the following means:
1- Supporting economic and social projects approved by the concerned authorities to improve family life, in coordination with the competent ministry.
2- Organizing conferences, seminars and workshops related to the association's activity after obtaining the approval of the competent government agencies.
3- Conducting field studies and research related to the association's activity in coordination with the competent government agencies.
4- Providing government agencies with the necessary data on aspects of charitable work within the scope of the association's work.

The association will aim to carry out the following activities:
- Charitable - Social

The statute indicated the conditions for membership in the association, which are as follows:
1- The member’s age should not be less than eighteen years.
2- To be a resident of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
3- He must be of good reputation and behavior, and he must not have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or dishonesty, unless he has been rehabilitated.

The statute also divided membership into:
1- Active Membership. 2- Associate Membership. 3- Honorary membership.

The statute clarified the rights and duties of the members, the method of joining, withdrawing, dismissing, and dropping membership from the association. Article (17) of the statute indicated the right of the member to complain about the decision of his dismissal before the ordinary and extraordinary general assembly, and to consider the decision of the general assembly as final in this regard.

The statute included a statement of the various bodies of the association, as it was considered that the general assembly is the supreme authority in drawing up the association’s policy and monitoring its implementation, and its decisions apply to all its organs, committees, and members. Voting on and advocating for its decisions.
The statute also defined the terms of reference of the ordinary and extraordinary general assembly.
The Articles of Association also stated that the Board of Directors consists of seven members elected by the General Assembly from among its members for a period of two years, renewable for one or more periods, and they are elected by direct secret ballot.
The statute considered that the board of directors is the executive authority of the association and implements the policy drawn up by the general assembly and the decisions it issues in order to achieve the legitimate purposes of the association. Council dissolution.

Regarding the association’s finances, the statute indicated that the association’s resources consist of:
1- The joining fee paid by the member after his/her registration or re-registration with its membership.
2- Member subscriptions.
3- Gifts, donations, and bequests in cash and in kind obtained by the association and approved by the Ministry of Social Development.
4- Revenues from charitable activities, exhibitions and markets 

Charitable activities that the association establishes or participates in after obtaining the approval of the competent authorities.
5- The rental proceeds of real estate owned by the association.
6- Any other resources accepted by the Board of Directors and approved by the Ministry of Social Development.

The statute also indicated the need for the association to keep records and books necessary for the conduct of its business, aspects of disbursement of funds and methods of depositing them, provided that the fiscal year of the association begins on the first of January and ends on the 31st of December of each year. The disbursement shall be in accordance with the financial regulations of the Assembly and the need for the Board of Directors to present the final account to the General Assembly for approval.
The statute also specified the methods of financial control and auditing of the final accounts of the association's revenues and expenditures.

Finally, the articles of association indicated how to amend it, how to merge or divide the association, the rules for its voluntary or compulsory dissolution, and the party to which its funds revert to upon dissolution.
After the completion of the liquidation process, the liquidator shall distribute the remaining funds to the associations that work in the field of the association's work.